Last Updated on March 26, 2024 by Alexx
Want to see what your friends and family think about different travel Would You Rathers and dilemmas?
Whether you’re using this travel Would You Rather game as a hostel icebreaker, a way to pass time at an airport stopover or as a form of road trip entertainment, I’ve got loads of Would You Rather travel questions to keep you and your travel buddies busy.
I travel full-time and I (well I try!) do weekly Would You Rather poll series on my Instagram Stories, and my followers absolutely love it! I wake up to loads of messages with people trying to justify their choices or share their angst at having to choose one or the other.

I’ve added a number of non-travel Would You Rather questions in there too but only because they were the questions that got such a huge response, so they must be pretty polarising. Worth adding to your Would You Rather game for sure!
So here’s 110+ Would You Rather travel questions to ask your friends, family, colleagues, tour guides, travel companions and more. If you have any to add, let me know in the comments.
Would You Rather travel questions
1. Would you rather be able to understand and speak every language in the world or be able to teleport anywhere at any time?
2. Would you rather travel first-class everywhere but only stay in 2-star hotels, or stay in 5-star hotels but fly in a middle seat in economy every time you fly?
3. Would you rather travel back in time to meet your great-great-grandparents, or travel into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
4. Would you rather spend a long-haul flight stuck between two crying babies or two snoring old men?
5. Would you rather sit in the window seat every flight for the rest of your life or in the aisle seat for the rest of your life?
6. Would you rather miss your flight or lose your luggage?
7. Would you rather only travel domestically for the rest of your life, or only travel internationally for the rest of your life and never see anything else in your own country outside of the city/town you live in?
8. Would you rather do a shark cage dive with Great Whites or skydive?
9. Would you rather get stuck on a boat for a week (but you can swim!) with no land in sight or be stuck in a basic cabin for a week and not be able to leave?
10. Would you rather only travel to tropical destinations for the rest of your life or only travel to snowy places for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather never be able to fly again or never be able to take a boat again?
12. Would you rather have unlimited time off but be restricted to a tight travel budget, or only have one week off a year but unlimited money to do what you want that week?
13. Would you rather get married and never leave your hometown ever again, or never get married but be able to travel forever?
14. Would you rather never visit Europe again or never visit Asia again?
15. Would you rather travel with your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend for a month, or travel with your worst boss for a month?
16. Would you rather have unlimited WiFi while travelling or unlimited phone battery while travelling?
17. Would you rather go on an epic trip where lots of things go wrong, or a boring trip where nothing goes wrong?
18. Would you rather fly free forever or eat for free forever?
19. Would you rather spend seven days at an all-inclusive luxury resort or spend seven days completing the most scenic hike in the world?
20. Would you rather see the Northern Lights in Norway or swim with whale sharks in the Philippines?
21. Would you rather never drink coffee again or never have chocolate again?
22. Would you rather go to the world’s best food destination but not be able to try any of the food, or go to the world’s best beach destination but not be able to swim or go on the sand?
23. Would you rather only be able to eat western food for the rest of your life, or only be able to eat Asian food?
24. Would you rather travel for a month with your grandparents or travel for a month with your parents?
25. Would you rather get food poisoning while on a 10 hour bus journey or sprain your ankle at the start of a full day hike (and have to continue!)?
26. Would you rather travel on a budget for a year, or travel in luxury for a month?
27. Would you rather wake up feeling refreshed after every sleep but never satisfied after eating a meal, or always be totally satisfied after eating but always wake up groggy?
28. Would you rather do a six month road trip through Europe or a six month road trip through the Americas?
29. Would you rather only be able to eat at global chain restaurants while travelling (I’m talking McDonalds, Starbucks etc.) or only be able to visit tourist traps for sightseeing and not be able to go anywhere off the beaten track?
30. Would you rather go glamping or stay at a 5 star hotel?
31. Would you rather stay somewhere with an outdoor hot tub or somewhere with an infinity pool?
32. Would you rather only be able to go out for brunch and never go out for lunch or dinner, or only be able to go out for dinner and never go out for brunch or lunch?
33. Would you rather swim with wild dolphins or spot wild monkeys swinging above you in the forest?
34. Would you rather go on a tour of the 10 best food destinations around the world, or the 10 best landscape destinations?
35. Would you rather live in the cold mountains but it’s sunny every single day, or live at the beach where it’s warm but rains constantly?
36. Would you rather splurge on first class flights and stay in budget accommodation, or buy the cheapest flight (long stopovers, annoying times, middle seats at the back of the plane) but stay in fancy accommodation?
37. Would you rather do cruise through the Caribbean, or explore Vietnam by motorbike?
38. Would you rather do a road trip through Iceland or do a sailing tour along the Croatian coast?
39. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to speak any (human) language?
40. Would you rather only travel around your home country, or be able to travel internationally but never be able to return to your home country again?
41. Would you rather travel in 40°C heat or in -10°C?
42. Would you rather stay in an overwater bungalow or in a luxury mountain cabin?
43. Would you rather have a winery day or a spa day?
44. Would you rather give up sugar or alcohol?
45. Would you rather spend a month staying at a dodgy hostel with your best friends, or spend a weekend at an ultra-luxury hotel by yourself?
46. Would you rather only ever be able to visit cities and towns that start with the letters A to M, or only be able to visit cities/towns that start with the letters N to Z? And yes, your hometown + where you currently live is included!
47. Would you rather travel for a year in a campervan or travel for a year on a yacht?
48. Would you rather never have to work again but never be able to leave your hometown, or work every day for the next 50 years but be able to work remotely from wherever you want?
49. Would you rather visit every country in the world, or visit space once?
50. Would you rather visit the Dolomites in Italy or visit the Thai Islands?
51. Would you rather your Google search history be published right now for everyone to see, or have an automatic notification sent to everyone you’ve ever stalked on Facebook or Instagram to let them know you were looking at their profile? (This one was too good not to include haha)
52. Would you rather live in New York for a year or live in London for a year?
53. Would you rather travel without being able to take any photos at all, or travel without your phone or laptop but be able to take a camera?
54. Would you rather stay somewhere with a rooftop bar, or somewhere with a waterslide and pool?
55. Would you rather have a fake tan explosion all through your suitcase, or have an ant infestation throughout your carry on bag?
56. Would you rather be stuck in an empty train yard overnight, or be stuck on a train in the middle of nowhere for 24 hours due to a technical issue?
57. Would you rather end all wars, or fix world hunger?
58. Would you rather only be able to eat street food while travelling, or only be able to eat at hotel buffets?
59. Would you rather never travel ever again, or never be able to spend longer than three months in one city?
60. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
61. Would you rather stay in a below average hotel with a really nice bathroom, or a really nice hotel with a gross bathroom?
62. Would you rather travel for a year without headphones (or AirPods or anything similar), or travel for a year without a camera (including phone camera)?
63. Would you rather spend all your money on experiences while travelling and never be able to go shopping on a trip, or be able to buy clothes and souvenirs while travelling but not do any tours or activities?
64. Would you rather get $2,000,000 in your bank account right now but never get paid a salary or wages ever again, or get $10,000 a month guaranteed for the rest of your life?
65. Would you rather only be able to travel with carry-on for the rest of your life, or have to always travel with two big suitcases (even for short trips)?
66. If you could time travel, would you rather be rich in the year 1700, or be poor in the year 2300?
67. Would you rather do what you love for minimum wage for the rest of your life, or get paid a million dollars each year but you hate your job for the rest of your life?
68. Would you rather hit a red light at every single traffic light while you’re travelling, or have your internet speed drop to dial up speed once the sun goes down?
69. Would you rather be able to travel whenever and wherever you want but only be able to travel solo, or go on one dream honeymoon with your life partner and then never be able to travel ever again?
70. Would you rather find your true calling or find your soulmate? (And whichever one you choose, you will never find the other)
71. Would you rather eat the same meal every single day but be able to live an adventurous life with lots of travel, or live the exact same routine every single day (wake up, work, Netflix, sleep) but be able to magically create any type of food whenever you feel like it?
72. Would you rather go back to your favourite five countries over and over again but never go anywhere else, or never be able to return to a country you’ve already visited?
73. Would you rather live in a tiny apartment in a big city that you can explore, or live in a huge house in a tiny village but never leave the village?
74. Would you rather travel with a personal photographer or a personal chef?
75. Would you rather visit the world’s best Christmas market or go to the world’s best New Year party?
76. Would you rather be able to eat whatever you want and not have it affect your body or health, or always feel perfectly refreshed after sleeping no matter how long you slept?
77. Would you rather neve have your photo taken ever again (not on holiday, not at your wedding, not with your family) or have to eat below-average food for the rest of your life?
78. Would you rather travel for a month every year to only winter destinations, or travel for a month only every three years but to summer destinations?
79. Would you rather give up Netflix (and any other movie/TV app) or give up Spotify (and any other music app)?
80. Would you rather live somewhere that only gets four hours of sunlight every day, or live somewhere that never gets dark?
81. Would you rather be able to travel through time whenever you want but only to your current physical location, or be able to teleport to anywhere in the world but only in the present time?
82. Would you rather relive the years of being 0-10 years old, or relive the years of being 10-20 years old?
83. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere for free whenever you want, or have an immortal dog who is forever a puppy but never be able to travel again?
84. Would you rather spend a year going to every epic festival (music and cultural) around the world, or spend a year eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant every night?
85. Would you rather have a minimalist house with nothing except essential furniture and appliances (I’m talking bed, table, chair, sink), or live like a hoarder with art and trinkets from your travels all over your house?
86. Would you rather only be able to stay at haunted hotels when you travel, or have to sleep in a room where there’s a single venomous spider but you can never find it to kill it?
87. Would you rather fly business class everywhere but travelling carry on only, or fly economy with unlimited luggage?
88. Would you rather work every day for the next ten years and retire early, or work for the next 50 years but have 3 day weekends every week?
89. Would you rather go on a global food tour with Anthony Bourdain (RIP) or go on a safari with David Attenborough
90. Would you rather travel for six months every three years but not at all in between, or be able to travel every weekend if you wanted to but never for any longer than three days at a time?
91. Would you rather have free hotels for life or unlimited UberEats for life?
92. Would you rather go back in time and relive your childhood years in another country of your choice, or stay in the present day and in your current location but have your age change back to ten years old?
93. Would you rather get food poisoning for the first 24 hours at the start of every trip, or get a bad cough for two weeks every time you come home from travelling?
94. Would you rather spend three months in a charming little mountain cabin with only a few hours of sunlight every day but with high speed internet, or spend three months on a tropical island with amazing beaches but with no phone coverage or WiFi?
95. Would you rather go on a classy wine tasting tour, or get crazy on a booze cruise?
96. You have a 16 hour flight to the other side of the world, would you rather accidentally leave behind your headphones (and not be able to use anyone else’s or the plane ones) or sit in the middle seat that can’t recline in the back row by the toilets?
97. Would you rather travel Europe by train, or road trip through the USA?
98. Would you rather binge watch a six episode mini series in one day, or drop one episode a week for three months?
99. Would you rather work only three hours every day and be able to work remotely but never be allowed to take a full day off, or work 40 hours a week from the office but with a two day weekend and four weeks off every year?
100. Would you rather do a trip to visit the best Christmas markets in Europe, or spend a summer Christmas on the beach in Australia?
101. Would you rather go back to 1 January 2020 and change the world so that the pandemic never happened, or deal with all the difficulties of the pandemic and other world events over five years but have a world in 2025 where things are better politically, socially, environmentally and economically?
102. Would you rather have every single flight delayed by an hour for the rest of your life, or always have your suitcase be the very last one on the baggage carousel?
103. Would you rather be an extremely good liar (no one will ever know that you lie) or be a human lie detector and be able to tell every single time someone else is lying?
104. Would you rather never spend Christmas with your family again, or have to spend every single public holiday with your family?
105. Would you rather spend a night glamping on the Great Barrier Reef, or a night in a glass-ceiling cabin under the Northern Lights?
106. Would you rather tick off all the tourist must-dos in a city but only eat supermarket food, or be able to eat at all the best food places but not be able to tick off any of the main tourist activities (like tours, observation decks, museums, thrill activities etc.)?
107. Would you rather travel solo for a year, or travel with your best friend AND your ex for a year?
108. Would you rather sail around the world in a sailboat, or road trip around the world in a luxury RV?
109. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the real, current world, or be able to travel into fictional universes?
110. Imagine you had unlimited travel budget for a year of full-time travel. Would you rather let random people off the street decide your itinerary, or travel with a dart to choose your next destination and a coin to flip to make all the decisions regarding where you stay, what you do, where you eat etc.?
111. Would you rather travel for two months without any phone apps (no Uber, banking, maps, Messenger, WhatsApp, social media etc.) but you can still take photos, or travel for two months without a camera or any other way of taking photos?
112. Would you rather have unlimited Uber rides forever or unlimited UberEats forever?
Phew, I think I’ve exhausted all potential travel would you rather questions! If I think of any more I’ll be sure to add them here, and if you have any good ones then pop them in the comments so other readers can use them too 🙂
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